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OCI / Job Posting

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OCI registration opens 03/10/2023

OCI requests accepted by

OCI requests accepted by Online, URL
Online beginning date 03/10/2023

Please specify any changes in OCI procedures or policies that will be in effect for the first time during 2023
Please check our website for updates.

OCI date assignment procedure

OCI date assignment procedure Early/Late Rotation


OCI Fee? Yes
OCI date confirmation will be sent to employers 05/05/2023

If requested our school will coordinate with
Stanford UC Hastings UCLA USC

Required Employer Forms
You will need to submit your registration through b-Line (Symplicity).

OCI Date Details

OCI Interview Periods 08/01/2023 - 08/04/2023

Callback period for 2L summer positions
08/07/2023 - 08/18/2023

Is video conferencing available? Yes

We will be using Flo Recruit to conduct our virtual EIW program.

Are employers permitted to prescreen

Are employers permitted to prescreen? No

If no, explain
Our Early Interview Week Program (August) is 100% lottery. Employers can access online schedules and resumes only about a week prior to their on-campus interview date. All other materials (including student transcripts) are provided by the student at the interview. Employers are permitted to prescreen during the Fall and Spring Interview Programs.


OCI Drop date 07/15/2023
Date student materials sent to employer 07/28/2023
Date interview schedule sent to employer 07/28/2023


Postage/express mail fee N/A

Those employers opting to not participate in EIW may post a position announcement, at no cost.

Do you provide resume collection or direct mail option for employers not participating in OCI? Yes


Are all OCI conducted in campus buildings? No

If no, describe alternatives and reservation procedure
Our Early Interview Week Program will be held virtually via Flo Recruit. Our Fall Interview Program will likely also be virtual using Flo Recruit. We will contact employers in November regarding the Spring Interview Program structure and reservation process.

If you organize or participate in either cooperative or off-campus interview programs, please list applicable information about participating schools, dates, interview locations, program coordinator/telephone, pre-screening or other selection process, and registration fees.
Northern California Law School Career Services Consortium organizes Public Interest/Public Sector Legal Career Day, usually held in the Spring Semester. San Francisco Intellectual Property Law Association Job Fair, usually held in during the Summer. NYU International Student Interview Program, usually held during the early part of the Spring Semester. West Coast LL.M. Fair at UCLA, usually held during the Spring Semester.

Bay Area Diversity Career Fair, organized by Orrick, held during the Summer. Lavender Law, organized by the National LGBT Bar Association, which takes during the Summer.

For Employers who do not interview students on-campus, will you:

send, upon request, one package containing resumes/transcripts? Yes
post a notice directing students to apply directly to employer? Yes

If you provide job listings for graduates, describe how to send notice, when employers can expect responses, length of time notice is posted (whether in print or online), etc.
Employers can post job openings for both current students and alumni directly online, simply by accessing Berkeley Law's website at and logging on to the b-Line, the online recruitment system. There is no charge for posting jobs on the b-Line. New employers must register the first time they use the system.

FIRST-YEAR STUDENT Describe any special regulations pertaining to the recruitment of first year students. For example, are first year students eligible for spring OCI? When are job notices posted during second semester?
EMPLOYER EVENTS Employers are encouraged to contact the Career Development Office when considering hosting an event or program (including those with student organizations) to help minimize conflicts with, or duplications of, other programs. For Berkeley Law 1L students to be as successful as possible, the school believes their focus should be on their studies rather than on job search activities. Career-related events, particularly in the first semester, should be focused on the general characteristics of the legal profession. To that end, we discourage employers from requesting resumes and other application materials in connection with receptions and other networking events during the fall semester. In the spring semester, employers should not ask for transcripts from students as a condition of attending employer receptions in advance of interviews. Recognizing that employers have automated processes requesting transcript information, students are advised to politely decline requests for transcripts, other than when being interviewed. JOB POSTINGS FOR 1LS While the legal market is ever-changing, it continues to be the case that the vast majority of 1Ls interview and accept job offers in the spring semester. We believe this is the best practice because it allows 1Ls to focus in their first semester on adjusting to law school and the rigor of the law school curriculum. If your summer internship hiring model allows for spring interviewing, we would encourage this approach. INTERVIEWS Interviews should not be scheduled at times that would conflict with students’ class schedules or any other times that may disrupt students’ studies. In no case, should they occur during the Reading or Exam Period (see our Academic Calendar for details). OFFERS All offers to first year students for summer employment should remain open for at least 14 days after the date the offer was made.

Recruiting Policy Information

Does your law school have a recruiting policy? Yes
If yes, does this policy apply to Subset of employers
Explain subset Please see policy for details.
Link to policy
Do you provide guidelines or a specific requirement regarding the number of days a student should have to respond to an offer? Guidelines
Minimum number of days a student should have to respond 14
Is there a maximum number of employment offers a student may hold open at any one time? Yes
Maximum number of offers that can be held open 3
Is there a specific date before which employers should not initiate formal one-on-one recruiting contact with first-year students? Yes
What is the date before which employers should not initiate contact with first-year students? N/A
Recruiting policy comments/explanation